Oldies but goodies...I recently pulled up some video tutorials that I shared 11 years ago (!!) featuring what we then called "Chalks". They're the perfect ideas for using Stampin' Up!'s new Soft Pastels, and today's project featuring the NEW Plentiful Plants stamp set from the Bloom Where You're Planted Suite will showcase two technique tutorials: both the Poppin' Pastels Technique and the Marble Backgrounds. And shout-out to Katie Senkarik from KatieBugCrafts for reminding me about the fab backgrounds! Looking for more pastels techniques NOW? Check my blog for past videos and card ideas: https://lovenstamps.com/tag/stampin-pastels/ Join me on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for our weekday 9:30 am CT live video on Facebook. Plan to tune in on Wednesday for our next Maker Mornings with Meg project! #MakerMorningswithMeg #LovenStampsStudioTours #LovenStamps #Stampinup #SoftPastels #PoppinPastels #BloomWhereYourePlanted #imadethis #handmade Add items to your cart with May hostess code QU9ABKVP for LovenStamps Perks Points and tutorials. **Orders over $150 should not use the hostess code since. Those orders qualify for Stampin Rewards selected at the time of the order. Don't worry, you'll still qualify LovenStamps Perks Points and tutorials!