For an absolutely beautiful technique, try heat embossing on vellum cardstock, then coloring with Stampin Blends -- with one important tip: color on the BACK of the vellum. This technique goes beautifully with line art images such as the watercolor In the Moment stamps - reminding us all to take a moment to relax and recover. Do you know someone who could use this card? The pretty soft colors created with the stained glass technique are a perfect match for the Heart & Home Suite - the Heart & Home Doilies and the colors from the Designer Series Paper and the Cards & Envelopes. Stamping Supplies (February Host code C237S4KK): LovenStamps Monthly Tutorials and Card Kits "To Go": Add items to your cart with February host code C237S4KK for LovenStamps Perks Points and tutorials. **Orders over $150 should not use the hostess code since. Those orders qualify for Stampin Rewards selected at the time of the order. Don't worry, you'll still qualify LovenStamps Perks Points and tutorials! Looking for PDF tutorials? Check the LovenStampsCardMart Etsy shop! Join me on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for our weekday 9:30 am CT live video on Facebook. Plan to tune in for our next Maker Mornings with Meg project! #MakerMorningswithMeg #LovenStamps #Stampinup #heartandhomesuite #inthemomentstampset #layeringcirclesdies #heartandhomedsp #heartandhomedoilies #heartandhomememoriesandmore #DIYstainedglass #vellumcardstock #imadethis #handmade