Helllo Friends,
I'm looking forward to sharing with you my card which is just one of the tutorials in July's Simple Suite Stampers Tutorial Bundle.

Earn this Bundle for FREE by placing an order in my Online Store in July and I will send you this tutorial + July's Handmade Card.

OR Join my Team by purchasing the Starter Kit in my Online Store, my team members receive both the monthly Tutorial Bundle + SSS Tutorial Bundle FREE.

If you order through another Demonstrator or live outside Australia, you can purchase this Tutorial Bundle for an instant download.

Purchase the Tutorial -  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EB2RH2CYKRPWY

Find more info on my blog -  

Video Tutorial - https://youtube.com/live/kqVfGqiTxOc